Lent 2B – February 25
February 28, 2024
Second Sunday in Lent
Say No Lenten Series: “Shame”
Call to Worship
L: Do not be afraid to answer the call to discipleship.
A: What does the call require?
L: Letting go of our life as we know it. Following the way of the cross. Aligning our soul with God’s.
A: We step out in the way of Jesus by losing our life to save it.
L: Do not be afraid to walk in the way of Jesus.
A: We answer the call, unashamed and unafraid. Amen.
O God, we are offered every opportunity to embrace the path that helps us gain the world at the expense of our soul. Instead, you have called us to yourself and to follow in the way of love and compassion. Teach us about Jesus’ way and lure us away from the paths of self-absorption and greed. You have called us to discipleship, to self-emptying, and embracing your way with courage. May it be so. Amen.
Prayer of Transformation and New Life
Holy God, like Peter, sometimes we think we know better than you do. We make our own attempts to save ourselves and others from the cross filled path you have called us to walk. Help us to get behind you, because it has become easier to rely upon ourselves, rather than on your strength and presence. Grant us grace and help us to let go of our need for control so that you and your way might be our guide and path forward. Amen.
Words of Grace
Dear ones, may the God of compassion, Jesus the wounded healer, and the Holy Spirit who shapes and transforms us anew, grant you peace and hope for your soul. For we know that the One who calls us to follow in the way of Jesus is merciful and offers the consolation of love in a world of empty promises. Be at peace and thanks be to God.
Invitation to Generosity
In a world that offers a vision of never enough, we share in God’s abundant provision for all. While we could gain the world but lose our soul, it is from within our soul that we share in a generous spirit of giving.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Giving God, Jesus invited us to give our lives away, take up our cross, and to follow. Rather than exchanging our souls, may the sharing of these gifts nurture our commitment to walk in your way. In the name and way of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
We step out into a world offering us the power to gain the whole world, and yet the call to discipleship is one that is less of us and more of Christ. Go forth to serve, to embrace a life of humility, and to walk in the way of the cross. For such a path is the way of life. Amen.
Shame: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday in Lent Year B was written by The Rev. Dr. Chad Abbot, Conference Minister in the Indiana-Kentucky Conference.