Love of Neighbor

The Love of Neighbor Ministry (LON) encourages and supports local churches, Associations, Conferences, and the national expressions of the United Church of Christ to participate in the global, multiracial, multicultural church and to support United Church of Christ ministries around the world and the nation. 

LON assists the Church in all its expressions, provides support for the Church’s ministry of service, and provides public witness on behalf of the policies and resolutions of the General Synod.

LON in the News

At U.N. commemoration, Makari condemns ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians

On a day marked for international solidarity with Palestinian people, the United Church of Christ’s global relations minister for the Middle East and Europe was invited to speak at the United Nations on behalf of civil society.

Shari Prestemon named Acting Associate General Minister for Wider Church Ministries

The UCC Board voted to appoint the Rev. Shari Prestemon as Acting Associate General Minister for Wider Church Ministries and Co-Executive for Global Ministries. Prestemon will assume her new duties Jan. 16, 2024, and will be based in Cleveland, where the UCC is headquartered.

Peter Makari speaks during the U.N. Commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on Nov. 29.

Global Ministries is the shared world mission board of the UCC and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).  Established in 1996, it represents a step toward the Christian unity we proclaim through global partnerships, the presence of mission co-workers, insightful perspectives on the world, advocacy for justice, and prayers for peace.

Global H.O.P.E. encompasses the domestic and international humanitarian ministries of the United Church of Christ and distributes One Great Hour of Sharing offerings.

Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries seeks transformative justice for our faith communities and congregations by just action and love for all.

We believe in the justice-oriented ministry of Jesus and act with those facing systemic oppression at the intersection of gender & sexuality to offer care, sex-positive education & curriculum, gender & bodily autonomy education & programming, policy & advocacy, and partnership & outreach opportunities.

The Office of Public Policy & Advocacy in Washington D.C. offers leadership for social action concerns in the UCC and provides resources to the national, conference and local churches.

We work to identify, analyze and forecast emerging social issues and legislation which call for the attention of the denomination.

Special Mission Offering:
One Great Hour of Sharing

Through the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) special mission offering, the United Church of Christ collaborates with domestic and international partners to support humanitarian aid and sustainable development, bringing needed assistance to communities in need of long-term recovery and economic sustainability. Gifts to OGHS also provide much-needed resources to assist our partners in providing clean water, food, education, health care, small business micro-credit, emergency relief, advocacy, and resettlement for refugees.

Thursdays In Black

Thursdays in Black is a global advocacy campaign focused on ending rape and gender-based violence. This initiative of the World Council of Churches is a global movement for justice on behalf of millions. Globally, 1 in 3 women will experience physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime, according to data from the World Health Organization.

Love of Neighbor Ministries News

Hawai’i Conference offers space for grief, prayer for wildfires

Responding to the tragic wildfires in Hawaii, the Hawai’i Conference of the United Church of…

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Amid wildfires devastation, UCC makes appeal for Hawaii

The United Church of Christ, through Wider Church Ministries, is issuing a special appeal to…

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UCC offers prayers, launches appeal to aid Turkey and Syria after earthquake

The United Church of Christ is offering prayers for the region encompassing Turkey and Syria…

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More about Love of Neighbor Ministries

LON holds programmatic and relational ministries for the commitments to mission, advocacy, humanitarian aid, gender and sexuality justice, public witness, and sustainable development. While primarily responsible for overseas engagement, LON is also involved in domestic ministry. LON ministries are glocalglobally focused and locally rooted.

The ministries of LON are internally and externally collaborative, working across ministries in the UCC and with partners in the United States and overseas, for higher reach and greater missional impact. By joining with partners to leverage resources and maximize expertise. LON works in interactive partnership with local churches, Associations, Conferences, national expressions of the United Church of Christ, and with ecumenical and interfaith groups and community organizations.

In its commitment to Christian unity and ecumenical witness, the United Church of Christ is intentionally engaged in common missional witness with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) [CC(DOC)] through Global Ministries. Global Ministries (GM) is the joint mission agency of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), which is expressed through the collaborative work of the UCC’s Love of Neighbor Ministries and the CC(DOC)’s Division of Overseas Ministries.

Questions? Contact LON.

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