Lent 3B – March 3
March 3, 2024
Third Sunday in Lent
Say No Lenten Series: “Transactionalism”
Call to Worship
L: Into the house of God we are called to enter,
A: to worship and receive the gift of grace.
L: As we step towards this sacred space,
A: we acknowledge all that can distract or exploit.
L: God calls upon us to cleanse our houses of all that does not find its source in God’s love.
A: Together we give ourselves in worship and right relations with our neighbor. Let us worship God.
O God of temples and tables turned over, we enter this sacred space of worship seeking your transformation and healing. Make us ready for the kind of turned upside down world you are seeking to build among us. We have come to this place of worship to be changed, so turn over our tables and make us whole. In the name of Jesus our savior. Amen.
Prayer of Transformation and New Life
Holy God, there are times when we choose to bring our folly and the many reckless ways of exploiting the poor into your house. Sometimes without our even knowing it. And so, when our houses of worship need change or when we have wandered from your ways, help us to turn towards you. Not because of what we can gain from you, but because your love is a gift unearned and unwavering. Grant us your grace, in the name of Christ. Amen.
Words of Grace
God’s compassion is deep and wide, from everlasting to everlasting. In seeking to transform this world, God’s love reaches towards each of us with a tender embrace. Let this be our assurance this day and always. Amen.
Invitation to Generosity
The richness of God’s love extends to all persons and in response to God’s abundant compassion, we are invited into a spirit of generosity so that God’s love may be known to the very ends of the earth. Let us give generously.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
O God, whose richness is not found at the tables of those willing to exchange goods for the sake of acquiring earthly riches, but rather is found at the table of extravagant love for neighbor, we entrust these gifts to your care that they may abound in your steadfast love for all persons. Use them for the building of your beloved community here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
God has turned our world upside down and called us to a life of transformation. Now, go forth changed, called anew, and turned towards a God who makes us whole. Amen and Amen!
Transactionalism: Service Prayers for the Third Sunday in Lent Year B was written by The Rev. Dr. Chad Abbot, Conference Minister in the Indiana-Kentucky Conference.