Women & Gender Justice
Women and Gender Justice Ministry serves to provide leadership, training and advocacy at the intersection of sex, gender identity and gender expression. WGJM is committed to transformative justice for bodily autonomy in national and local dialogue. Our ministry serves as a national liaison of advocacy regarding issues of gender bias. We also work to support and expand networks of Women’s Rights within conferences, associations and local church settings and increase awareness via collaboration between church settings and other organizations working to end violence and discrimination against women and all bodies.
Our Bodies; Our Rights
The United Church of Christ has supported reproductive justice issues since the 1960’s. As a human rights issue, reproductive justice promotes the rights of people to bear children they want to have and advocates for the ability to raise children in safe and healthy environments. This includes advocacy for the expression of sexuality and gender without oppression.
Talitha Koum Newsletter
A newsletter for Women, Girls and their allies. Here we can reflect on what it means to be a woman in the UCC and/or an ally to the many identities and beautiful ways we live our humanity.
Women & Gender Issues Resources
Below are resource offerings and initiatives currently underway for Women & Gender Justice issues.
UCC matching grants to assemble CWS Period Packs (for more information, contact: Craig
Hoffman, Program Assistant, UCC Global H.O.P.E.)
For questions, please contact Rachael Ward, Team Lead & Minister for Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries, at wardr@ucc.org or (216) 736–3217.